Quit Smoking Before Smoking Quits You!
Cancer and emphysema are two of the major health risks associated with cigarette smoking. Smoking damages the genetic code of a normal cell and can lead to the development of different types of cancers. These damaged cells begin to quickly reproduce and form clumps of cells called tumors. Nutrients and energy are stolen from the rest of the body by these tumors. Some grow large enough to spread throughout the body and can block vital bodily functions. If a stop is not put to this process, death can soon follow. Contrary to popular belief, lung cancer is not the only cancer caused by smoking. New research indicates that cancers of the mouth, throat, pancreas, cervix, kidneys and bladder are linked to smoking as well. Emphysema destroys a set of lung's ability to contract and expand, and can also be caused by smoking. It damages little air sacs in the lungs (called alveoli) inside of which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. This causes a pitted appearance and a charred, blackend gunk develops. This is an example of an effect of smoking that cannot be reversed or fixed. Every breath now is a struggle and the lack of incoming oxygen can cause damage to other organs. This can make even the smallest tasks difficult to complete. Many lives are lost due to emphysema because hearts are overworked and reach a point where they can no longer keep up with the body's demands.
Effects of smoking can be had by not only a smoker, but everyone around him. Contained in secondhand smoke are many of the same toxic substances that are inhaled by the smoker. Secondhand smokers can suffer from the same disease and risks as firsthand smokers. This is just another of many reasons to quit smoking, before smoking quits you!
Below: Healthy lung (left) and Smoker's lung (right)
20 Worst Foods in America (2 parts)
- 1,540 calories
- 77 grams of fat
- 109 grams of sugar
- 1,600 calories
- 78 grams of fat
- 1,820 calories
- 127 grams of fat
- 2,040 calories
- 99 grams of fat
- 2,100 calories
- 130 grams of fat
- 2,310 calories
- 162 grams of fat
- 2,430 calories
- 128 grams of fat
- 2,740 calories
- 166 grams of fat
- 2,710 calories
- 203 grams of fat
- 2,900 calories
- 182 grams of fat
20 Worst Foods in America (2 parts)
- 830 calories
- 55 grams of fat
- 900 calories
- 10 grams of fat
- 166 grams of sugar
- 1,020 calories
- 64 grams of fat
- 1,145 calories
- 71 grams of fat
- 1,179 calories
- 47 grams of fat
- 1.528 calories
- 92 grams of fat
- 1,450 calories
- 102 grams of fat
- 1.520 calories
- 111 grams of fat
- 1,540 calories
- 124 grams of fat
Get More and Better Zzz
Cottons, thread counts, none of that matters when picking your bedsheets. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on "'X' hundreds of thread count" sheets to enjoy a good night's rest. What matters most, is if the material is soft and comfortable to the touch.
Length of Rest:
Many of us think that we can sleep when we are dead, or sleep on the weekends, or even get by on only five hours a night, but that is not the case. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep a night, to ensure that your had enough complete ninety-minute sleep cycles.
Avoid Sleeping Pills:
As tempting as they may be to help you hit the sack in a hurry, they may actually do you more bad than good. Dependency is the biggest problem associated with sleeping pills. You can become addicted to them and eventually never learn to fall asleep on your own. Aside from that, your body will become so accustomed to them that after time they will eventually have no effect at all.
Perfect Pillow:
A pillow should have the right amount of fluffiness to support your head whether you sleep on your back, side or stomach. Down feathers are good, but many allergy sufferers may not react well with them. Lower quality foam pillows sometimes do not conform to fit your head and you can only use them in the shape they come. If this does not match the contours of your neck and head then you could wake up in the morning with pains and a stiff spine. Also be sure to wash your pillow case one to two times a week. This will rid it of the days dirt and germs that can cause acne and oily skin and worse case pink eye, if it comes in contact with you face.
Stay Cool:
Avoid hot showers or baths and working out before you go to bed, because these raise your body's core temperature, and a cooler core temperature means better sleep. An ideal temperature to keep your room at is around 68 degrees or cooler.
Injury Prevention – Train, Don’t Strain
A proper training program can be fun and help prevent injuries. If proper training methods are not used, an individual runs the risk of incurring an injury. Injury is a major reason why individuals do not maintain a consistent exercise program.
1. Always warm-up and cool-sown before and after your exercise sessions
2. Stretch out before and after your activity session
3. Progress gradually – time is needed to allow for adaptation to the demands of training – be careful to increase exercise time and frequency slowly
4. Cross-train
5. Proper equipment/facilities – be sure to have all the appropriate equipment and proper fittings
6. Maintain proper posture and good body mechanics while exercising and at rest
7. Wear the appropriate clothing.
8. Drink plenty of fluids – it is crucial to drink fluids before, during, and after your activity
Rest-means taking time off until symptoms subside. Resting helps prevent further damage to the injured area.
Ice-or cold, applied to the injury reduces swelling and internal bleeding by constricting the blood vessels. The proper schedule for “icing” is 20 minutes on and 10-15 minutes off for the first 24-48 hours after injury. Never apply ice directly to the skin – it can cause frostbite.
Compression-or pressure, reduces swelling to the injured area. Compress injuries by wrapping them with a bandage. Never wrap bandages too tight – this could result in cutting off the blood flow completely. Compression should always be done with “icing.”
Elevation-reduces pain and pooling of blood in the injured area and helps return blood to the heart. The injured area should be elevated above heart level. Keep the injured area elevated as much as possible even when not “icing.”
Running Tips
Make Sure to Follow These Few Tips Before Purchasing Your Running Shoes:
- Be sure to visit running specialty store to receive the best advice on help
- Fit your running shoes with the type of sock you intend to wear them with
- Do not break in running shoes on a long run, but rather over a series of shorter runs
- Replace running shoes every 300-400 miles
- Consider the arch in your foot and have your professional choose a shoe accordingly
Tips For Running Outdoors:
- Wear socks made of synthetic fibers that pull moisture away from your skin
- Do wear sport specific shoes
- Use sunscreen to prevent solar injury to your skin
- Be careful of the heat and be sure to be properly hydrated before, after and during your run. Consume 8oz of water every 20 minutes is recommended.
- Try to avoid running the in the middle of the say between 11:00am and 3:00pm, when the sun is at its peak.
Tips For Running Indoors:
- Try a different program until you find one that best fits you
- Wear light running shoes to help you run faster; treadmills usually have
- good shock absorption so you can run in lighter shoes without increasing your risk for injury
- Do not look down at the monitor as this can throw off your running posture and balance
General Running Tips:
- Use a heart rate monitor
- Stay hydrated
- Have fun! Listen to music if that will help you enjoy your run more.
10 Steps to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Feel Better Too (part 1)
2. Visit your doctor for regular check-ups. Ask your physician for information about the American Cancer Society guidelines for early detection.
3. Getting some type of physical activity is essential. This be anything from walking, dancing and gardening, to running, biking, or playing basketball. Try to aim for 20-30 minutes a day during five or more days a week. Always make sure to check with your physician before beginning an exercise routine.
4. Protect yourself from the sun's harmful UV rays. Stay out of the sun as much as possible when it's UV rays are the strongest, between 10am and 4pm. When you are outside cover up with light, breathable clothing. Wear a hat with a brim to protect your face and ears, and sunglasses to protect your eyes. On all skin not covered with clothing, use a sunscreen with an SPF or 15 or higher. Never use sunlamps or tanning salons.
5. If your jobs requires you to work with harmful chemicals or substances such as asbestos, or insulation, be sure to wear protective clothing and follow any safety procedures exactly. Be sure to learn any emergency procedures as well.
Thanks to the American Cancer Society for helping contribute to this post.
10 Steps to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Feel Better Too (part 2)
7. Eating right is very important. Try to choose at least five servings from the fruit and vegetable each day. You want to pick dark and/or colorful fruits and dark leafy vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, and watermelon. Whole grain products are important as well. Stick with whole grain breads, pastas, brown rice and beans. Avoid processed or
refined grains such as white bread, pastries, cookies, and sugary cereals.
What is a serving? One serving is:
- -1/2 cup fruit
- 3/4 cup 100% fruit juice
- 1/2 cup cooked or raw vegetables
- 1 cup leafy vegetables
- 1 medium piece or fruit or 1/2 of a banana
- 1 slice of bread
- 1 ounce dry cereal
- 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta
8. Limit your consumption of high fat foods. Choose reduced-fat or fat-free milk and cheeses. Cut back on butter, margarine, fried foods and rich desserts. Dressings and condiments should be light or fat free as well, such as fat-free mayonnaise and vinegarette dressing.
9. Cut back on red meat, especially those processed and high in fat. Choose lean cuts, and try to make it turkey or chicken. Trim the skin off as well.
10. If you drink alcohol, make sure you limit yourself to one drink a day as a female and two a day if you are male. Red wine is a best choice, because of it's heart health
and antioxidant benefits.